Monday, December 11, 2017

My Final Project

My final project for Photo 1 was on abandoned houses. I decided to take photos of abandonment because I have always been intrigued by places that have been left. They often tell a story by the condition they were left in. Sometimes its foreclosure or a business that went under, but there is always a story behind why a building was left by inhabitants. I used to go to Kings Park Psychiatric Center frequently, and last year in my film photography class I shot a roll of film of the buildings and the ruins. It was one of my favorite rolls I had shot, so I decided to continue that in a new way, and with a digital camera. Overall, I am really happy with the outcome of my final project, and with the work I have done this semester. I have really improved with my photography throughout the course of this semester, and I am happy with the photos I have thus far.

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My Final Project

My final project for Photo 1 was on abandoned houses. I decided to take photos of abandonment because I have always been intrigued by places...