Monday, November 6, 2017

Long Term Goals

In History of Photography today we talked about early fashion photography. This topic is very interesting to me, and I was looking forward to covering this part of history. I have a definite interest in fashion photography, and I have been considering a future career in it. So, for me, it was very interesting discussing the history of fashion photos. Then, in Photo Seminar, we talked about short and long-term goals. I began thinking about my long term goals, and where I want to find myself in the next 10 years. I would love to either pursue fashion or fine arts photography, and I see a definite overlap in these fields. As I continued to think about my goals, I have realized that I might really enjoy working for a fashion magazine. I plan to continue after Suffolk at FIT, and I hope that in the next few years I will find myself in the position of an internship, maybe even at a magazine.

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